Manual Testing SDLC models

SDLC Model:
SDLC model is a process,activities and the task completed in development and maintenance of a web application or Software.

Types of SDLC Models

1.Waterfall Model
2.Spiral Model
3.Prototype Model
4.RAD(Rapid Application Development)
5.Iterative and Incremental Model
6.Agile Method

1.Waterfall Model

Waterfall model as "Classic model" sequential step by step model.This model is a sysmatic ,sequential approach of software development.Waterfall model begin with requirement stage,progress through remaining life cycle.

In requirements stage all the BRD , SRD , FSD will be reviewed ,distributed to the development ,testing team for review the documents.

In Design stage development team will start develop the application according to client requirements,in design stage web application or any software architecture will design for developing the application or software.According to design pattern development team will start setup the environment like Installing Java,software tools etc.After completion of environment set up development team will start developing the application.

In coding stage development team start coding the application according to client requirements.If client wants java development then project is passed to java team,if develop using php then it will given to php team.Coding will start with the use of design documents.

After completion of coding of some requirements dev team will prepare Build in the form of Ear file ,That ear file will send through Build release note and configuration details.

Testing team will test the build by deploying the build in qa environment.

Like this process will happen.

Water fall model will suitable for clearly defined requirements.Suitable for small,medium proojects.
Projects will under control because after completion of each stage will go for next stage.
Pre defined outputs at every stages.Tracking of changed is easy in waterfall model.Early identification of defects in every stage in order to fix with in stage only.

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